Monday, March 12, 2007

Here`s looking at you, kid.

Ok, had a nearly week-long break since I had many other matters at hand but today I finally got back to editing. Third actual location is now done and I also fiddled around with the dialogs. First dialog-scene is now complete after a little trial-and-error. It seems that the BASS-GUI recognizes the right-clicks differently depending on what you are trying to operate. For example, I could not get the dialog to work until I changed the operation to Talk-to. So it basically seems to recognize objects are "operate" and characters as "talk". Good to know for the future.

Tomorrow I intend to finish that particular room with hotspots ans puzzles. Also, I need to fiddle around with the conversation a little more, particularly I need to get the script to notice the global modifiers. If I have time, I will also begin modeling the next room. But for now, I`m off.

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